Question : Electron in the atom are held in the atom due to
(A). coulombs force
(B). nuclear force
(C). atomic force
(D). coulombs and nuclear force
Question : In the formula of the angular momentum L xp (p) denotes the
(A). displacement
(B). power
(C). momentum
(D). speed
Question : The first linear equation of motion is represented as
(A). Vi f + at
(B). Vf i-at
(C). Vf i + at
(D). Vf i + a
Question : If the turns ratio of transformer is 10 it means that
(A). Is 0 Ip
(B). Ip 0 Is
(C). Ns 0 Np
(D). IsIp and IpIs
Question : The gate whose output is 0 only when the inputs are different is called
(A). XOR
(C). NOR
Question : In 1909 Millikan devised the technique for measurement of
(A). charge on electron
(B). charge on cathode
(C). charge on neutron
(D). charge on proton
Question : At low temperature a body emits radiation of
(A). shorter wave length
(B). high frequencies
(C). longer wavelength
(D). low frequencies
Question : In a PNP transistor the n-region as compared to the p-region is
(A). smaller
(B). larger
(C). same
(D). negligible
Question : The change in kinetic energy is measured as the difference of
(A). 1/2(mv)�
(B). (mv)�
(C). 1/2(mv)
(D). 1/2(m)�
Question : Changing current in a coil produces emf in the same coil is known as
(A). mutual induction
(B). self induction
(C). induced emf
(D). emf
Question : According to the system international the length of the substance is measured in
(A). moles
(B). seconds
(C). meters
(D). kelvin
Question : Zero digit is the only digit that
(A). maybe significant
(B). may not be significant
(C). is significant
(D). both maybe and may not be significant
Question : At low temperature a body emits radiation of
(A). shorter wave length
(B). high frequencies
(C). longer wavelength
(D). low frequencies
Question : In 1909 Millikan devised the technique for measurement of
(A). charge on electron
(B). charge on cathode
(C). charge on neutron
(D). charge on proton
Question : If the turns ratio of transformer is 10 it means that
(A). Is 0 Ip
(B). Ip 0 Is
(C). Ns 0 Np
(D). IsIp and IpIs
Question : In the formula of the angular momentum L xp (p) denotes the
(A). displacement
(B). power
(C). momentum
(D). speed
Question : According to the system international the length of the substance is measured in
(A). moles
(B). seconds
(C). meters
(D). kelvin
Question : The first linear equation of motion is represented as
(A). Vi f + at
(B). Vf i-at
(C). Vf i + at
(D). Vf i + a
Question : In a PNP transistor the n-region as compared to the p-region is
(A). smaller
(B). larger
(C). same
(D). negligible
Question : Changing current in a coil produces emf in the same coil is known as
(A). mutual induction
(B). self induction
(C). induced emf
(D). emf
Question : The change in kinetic energy is measured as the difference of
(A). 1/2(mv)�
(B). (mv)�
(C). 1/2(mv)
(D). 1/2(m)�
Question : The gate whose output is 0 only when the inputs are different is called
(A). XOR
(C). NOR
Question : Zero digit is the only digit that
(A). maybe significant
(B). may not be significant
(C). is significant
(D). both maybe and may not be significant
Question : Electron in the atom are held in the atom due to
(A). coulombs force
(B). nuclear force
(C). atomic force
(D). coulombs and nuclear force
Question : If the number 43.75 is rounded off to three digits the result will be
(A). 43.8
(B). 43.7
(C). 43.6
(D). 43.5
Question : The streamlines flow of the water is also known as
(A). laminar flow
(B). turbulent flow
(C). fluid flow
(D). turbulent fluid flow
Question : In a half rectification the diode conducts during
(A). both half cycles
(B). positive half
(C). negative half
(D). one half input
Question : The common type of rectification is
(A). half wave rectification
(B). full wave rectification
(C). quarter wave rectification
(D). both half wave and full wave rectification
Question : Range of the projectile will be maximum when the angle of the projectile is
(A). 30
(B). 45
(C). 60
(D). 90
Question : Elastic collision is the collision in which kinetic energy is
(A). conserved
(B). not conserved
(C). increases
(D). decreases
Question : The direction of the vector is given by the angle formula of
(A). arccos(y/x)
(B). arccos(x/y)
(C). arctan(y/x)
(D). arctan(x/y)
Question : According to the system international unit the unit of magnetic flux is
(A). tesla
(B). NmA-1
(C). weber
(D). N/C
Question : If the motor gets over loaded then its
(A). slows down
(B). back emf decreases
(C). back emf increases
(D). back emf decreases and slows down
Question : Michael faraday observed that emf was set up in a conductor in the year of
(A). 1831
(B). 1832
(C). 1840
(D). 1842
Question : The heat produced by the current in the wire during t time is determined by
(A). H �R
(B). H Rt
(C). H �t
(D). H �Rt
Question : The process of vector addition by rectangular components consists of
(A). 4steps
(B). 5steps
(C). 6steps
(D). 7steps
Question : A geo-stationary satellite orbits the earth once per day so that it seems to be
(A). in motion
(B). stationary
(C). large
(D). small
Question : Every action has its equal and opposite reaction is newton's
(A). first law
(B). second law
(C). third law
(D). fourth law
Question : The system international for describing units was built up from
(A). 2 kind of units
(B). 3 kind of units
(C). 4 kind of units
(D). 5 kind of units
Question : The centripetal force has the same direction as the
(A). centripetal velocity
(B). centripetal acceleration
(C). angular acceleration
(D). angular speed
Question : When the charge of 90C passes through wire in 1 hour 15 min then its current will be
(A). 10mA
(B). 20mA
(C). 30mA
(D). 40mA
Question : The gravity created by some source is called
(A). large gravity
(B). artificial gravity
(C). gravitational force
(D). greater gravity
Question : The cross product of AxB with Sin angle 180 would produce results equal to
(A). 0
(B). A
(C). AB
(D). 1
Question : Artificial satellites are the objects that orbit around the earth due to
(A). earths mass
(B). gravity
(C). force
(D). earths weight
Question : The centripetal force has the same direction as the
(A). centripetal velocity
(B). centripetal acceleration
(C). angular acceleration
(D). angular speed
Question : The gravity created by some source is called
(A). large gravity
(B). artificial gravity
(C). gravitational force
(D). greater gravity
Question : When the charge of 90C passes through wire in 1 hour 15 min then its current will be
(A). 10mA
(B). 20mA
(C). 30mA
(D). 40mA
Question : The system international for describing units was built up from
(A). 2 kind of units
(B). 3 kind of units
(C). 4 kind of units
(D). 5 kind of units
Question : The device named as a transistor has
(A). emitter and collector equally doped
(B). emitter heavily doped
(C). collector heavily doped
(D). emitter and base equally doped
Question : The current voltage graph of the ohmic devices is a
(A). linear graph
(B). non linear graph
(C). parabolic graph
(D). hyperbola graph
Question : Ampere unit according to the SI units is a
(A). base unit
(B). derived unit
(C). international unit
(D). both base unit and derived unit
Question : If the number to be neglected is greater than 5 the retained number is
(A). increased
(B). decreased
(C). may increased
(D). may decreased
Question : Photo diodes applications include the
(A). logic circuits
(B). automatic switching
(C). networking
(D). both logic circuits and automatic switching
Question : Rheostat can also be used as a
(A). variable resistor
(B). potential divider
(C). barometer
(D). variable resistor as well as potential divider
Question : To assist the movement in water, the dolphins have
(A). laminared bodies
(B). turbulent bodies
(C). fat bodies
(D). streamlined bodies
Question : If the number greater than 5 is to be neglected then the retained number is increased by
(A). 1
(B). 2
(C). 3
(D). 4
Question : In a circular motion the direction of motion
(A). changes continuously
(B). changes after time
(C). never changes
(D). remains constant
Question : Range of the projectile will be minimum when the angle of the projectile is
(A). 0
(B). 30
(C). 60
(D). 90
Question : If the density of the fluid is not constant it is said to be
(A). viscous
(B). incompressible
(C). compressible
(D). both viscous and incompressible
Question : The time rate of change of velocity of the body is said to be
(A). displacement
(B). distance
(C). acceleration
(D). velocity
Question : If the number greater than 5 is to be neglected then the retained number is increased by
(A). 1
(B). 2
(C). 3
(D). 4
Question : A charged particle will move through region getting undeflected if
(A). v /E
(B). v E
(C). v /B
(D). v + E
Question : The resistor which is known as heat sensitive resistor is
(A). thermistor
(B). rheostat
(C). capacitor
(D). resistor
Question : Devices that does not obey ohm's law are called
(A). ohmic devices
(B). non ohmic devices
(C). electric devices
(D). resistive devices
Question : The body having mass 40 kg moving with the velocity of 3 m/s will have kinetic energy of
(A). 120
(B). 150
(C). 160
(D). 180
Question : In the inkjet printer the net charges are diverted by deflection plates towards
(A). paper
(B). nozzle
(C). gutter
(D). ink supplier
Question : Current produces magnetic effect due to its
(A). mechanical energy
(B). magnetic field
(C). electrical field
(D). chemical energy
Question : INTELSAT IV telecommunication satellite has a capacity of handling
(A). 1 tv channels
(B). 2 tv channels
(C). 3 tv channels
(D). 4 tv channels
Question : Force required to slide one layer from another measures the
(A). viscosity
(B). friction
(C). gravity
(D). surface tension
Question : At the pivot point the body with the mass m will have a torque by the
(A). force
(B). circle
(C). central point
(D). radius of the circle
Question : If fluid is incompressible and it is steady then its mass is
(A). increasing
(B). decreasing
(C). same
(D). conserved
Question : Ideal standard for measuring base quantities mainly involves
(A). 2 characteristics
(B). 3 characteristics
(C). 4 characteristics
(D). 5 characteristics
Question : Quantum effects are important only when observing
(A). small objects
(B). very large objects
(C). atomic size objects
(D). atomic spectra
Question : The moving charge experiences magnetic force because of
(A). magnetic flux
(B). magnetic field
(C). magnetic current
(D). both magnetic flux and field
Question : The quantity that remains unchanged in a transformer is
(A). voltage
(B). current
(C). frequency
(D). both voltage and current
Question : One of the physical quantities which is not a derived quantity
(A). velocity
(B). acceleration
(C). force
(D). length
Question : A vector whose magnitude is zero has a
(A). positive direction
(B). arbitrary direction
(C). negative direction
(D). positive and arbitrary direction
Question : Time of flight of the body is given by the formula
(A). t 2vi*sin/g)
(B). t 2Vi + sin/g)
(C). t 2Vi-sin/g)
(D). t 2vi/g)
Question : Base units of physical quantities given by the system international are
(A). six
(B). seven
(C). eight
(D). nine
Question : Acceleration produced in a body is the
(A). scalar quantity
(B). vector quantity
(C). physical quantity
(D). both scalar and vector quantity
Question : The torque of the couple is given by ILBxa in which a is a
(A). momentum
(B). moment arm
(C). arm
(D). moment of inertia
Question : If the electric field lines are parallel to the area then the electric flux will be
(A). min
(B). max
(C). zero
(D). one
Question : Transformer is the device that works on the principle of
(A). self induction
(B). Lenz's law
(C). mutual induction
(D). motional emf
Question : The practical application of the mutual induction is
(A). transformer
(B). DC generator
(C). AC generator
(D). capacitor
Question : The product of resistance of 1 ohm and the capacitance of 1 farad is equal to
(A). one minute
(B). one sec
(C). one volt
(D). one joule
Question : If the work done is greater than 90 angle then the work will be
(A). negative
(B). positive
(C). zero
(D). minimum
Question : The ratio of the forward voltage and a forward current is known as
(A). steradian
(B). PN junction
(C). forward resistance
(D). forward junction
Question : Gravitational force is the force that is always
(A). repulsive
(B). attractive
(C). opposite
(D). both repulsive and attractive
(A). vo/vi
(B). vo + vi
(C). vo-vi
(D). voxvi
Question : The typical rocket ejects the burnt gases at speeds of over
(A). 2000 m/s
(B). 3000 m/s
(C). 3500 m/s
(D). 4000 m/s
Question : The minimum velocity to put the satellite into orbital motion is
(A). 7.9 km/s
(B). 8.9 km/s
(C). 9 km/s
(D). 9.8 km/s
Question : In the system international the luminous intensity is measured in
(A). moles
(B). kilograms
(C). meters
(D). candelas
Question : The frictional effect between the layers of the flowing fluid is known as
(A). viscosity
(B). friction
(C). gravity
(D). surface tension
Question : The law stated as flux is 1/Eo times the total charge is
(A). ohms law
(B). newton's law
(C). gauss's law
(D). coulombs law
Question : Magnetic field is set up in region surrounding the current carrying
(A). rod
(B). wire
(C). blog
(D). plate
Question : According to the system international the amount of the substance is measured in
(A). moles
(B). kilograms
(C). meters
(D). candelas
Question : Base quantities can be measured according to the
(A). selected standards
(B). local standards
(C). global standards
(D). any units
Question : In a spaceship the objects revolving around the earth appears to be
(A). small
(B). large
(C). weightless
(D). massive
Question : If the fluid has constant density then it is said to be
(A). thick
(B). in-viscous
(C). compressible
(D). incompressible
Question : The heating effect produced by current is due to the
(A). collision of electrons
(B). movement of electrons
(C). resistance in electrons
(D). lose of energy
Question : In the direction of Y-axis the projection of vector A is represented by the angle
(A). Cos
(B). Sin
(C). Tan
(D). both Cos and Sin
Question : The number of field lines passing at certain area are known as
(A). electric field
(B). electric flux
(C). electrostatics
(D). electric field lines
Question : The change from initial position to the final position is called
(A). displacement
(B). distance
(C). speed
(D). velocity
Question : Filament bulbs are the best examples of the
(A). non ohmic devices
(B). resistive devices
(C). ohmic devices
(D). electric devices
Question : Ohmic devices are the devices that consequently
(A). obey ohms law
(B). doesn't obey ohms law
(C). violate ohms law
(D). satisfy ohms law
Question : According to the system international the unit of torque is
(A). newton meter
(B). newton per meter
(C). newton per meter square
(D). per newton meter
Question : The system international unit of the conductivity of the material is
(A). ohm m
(B). ohm
(C). ohm-1m
(D). ohm-1m-1
Question : Equation (E1-IR1-E2-IR2 ) is the statement of
(A). Kirchhoff's fourth rule
(B). Kirchhoff's third rule
(C). Kirchhoff's second rule
(D). Kirchhoff's first rule
Question : In alternative current generator AC current reverses its direction
(A). T times per second
(B). f times per second
(C). once/sec
(D). per sec
Question : Zero error produced by the measuring instruments is called
(A). frequent error
(B). systematic error
(C). random error
(D). frequent or random error
Question : Electric charges under the action of electric forces is called
(A). electrostatic
(B). electric flux
(C). electric field
(D). electric field lines
Question : The gravitational and electric forces are inversely proportional to the
(A). distance
(B). square of distance
(C). mass
(D). square of mass
Question : The y-components of the vector are represented by the formula of
(A). Ay + By
(B). Ay-By
(C). Ay + Bx
(D). Ay-Bx
Question : Physical quantities having only magnitude are called
(A). vector quantities
(B). scalar quantities
(C). mental quantities
(D). both vector and scalar quantities
Question : According to the SI units, the mass of the substance is measured in
(A). moles
(B). kilograms
(C). meters
(D). candelas
Question : The flux will be minimum when the electric field lines to the area are
(A). parallel
(B). perpendicular
(C). at angle
(D). at distance
(A). 6i + 5j/7.81
(B). 6i + 5j/6
(C). 6i + 5j/5
(D). 6i + 5j/61
Question : The net force acting on a droplet of water is equal to the
(A). weight-drag force
(B). weight + drag force
(C). weight*drag force
(D). weight/drag force
Question : According to the theory of relativity mass of an object is
(A). depends on particles
(B). speed of light
(C). volume of object
(D). area of object
Question : Ballmer series in the region of electromagnetic spectrum is in
(A). infrared region
(B). ultraviolet region
(C). visible region
(D). x-ray region
Question : Photo diode is used for the detection of
(A). visible light
(B). invisible light
(C). no light
(D). both visible and invisible light
Question : The value of the constant K in the coulomb's law has the value of
(A). 9 x 10^3
(B). 9 x 10^5
(C). 9 x 10^7
(D). 9 x 10^9
Question : For gauss's law the point charges in closed surface must be distributed
(A). arbitrarily
(B). sequentially
(C). rational
(D). in line
Question : The definition and standards of physical quantities were established in
(A). 1910
(B). 1920
(C). 1950
(D). 1960
Question : The chimney works best on the principle of
(A). equation of continuity
(B). Bernoulli's equation
(C). light equation
(D). speed equation
Question : Alternative current generator is basically based upon
(A). amperes law
(B). Lenz's law
(C). faradays law
(D). coulombs law
Question : In photocell cesium coated oxidized silver cathode emits electron for
(A). visible light
(B). ultraviolet
(C). infrared light
(D). x-rays
Question : Hydrogen atom doesn't emit x-rays because
(A). energy levels are close
(B). energy levels are far
(C). it ha small mass
(D). it has single electron
Question : Shark can detect the potential difference of its prey upto the sensitivity of
(A). micro volt
(B). mega volt
(C). pico volt
(D). nano volt
Question : The triangles are said to be isosceles if the angle between their arms are
(A). equal
(B). opposite
(C). 90
(D). 0
Question : The zero digit between two significant figures is
(A). significant
(B). non significant
(C). may not be significant
(D). maybe significant
Question : The potential difference between ends of conductor maintained by the battery is
(A). different
(B). constant
(C). zero
(D). one
Question : For detecting the abnormal behavior of the brain the technique used is
(A). EEG
(B). ECG
(C). ENG
(D). EFG
Question : Height of the projectile is given by the formula
(A). 2as f� - vi�
(B). 2 f� - vi�
(C). 2s f� - vi�
(D). 2a f� - vi�
Question : Device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is
(A). AC generator
(B). DC generator
(C). cell
(D). DC motor
Question : Errors that occur during the measurement of the quantities are of
(A). 2 types
(B). 3 types
(C). 4 types
(D). 5 types
Question : Physical quantities that describe the laws of physics are divided into
(A). 2 types
(B). 3 types
(C). 4 types
(D). 5 types
Question : Geo-stationary satellites are the useful examples of the
(A). satellite motion
(B). satellite motion
(C). satellite gravity
(D). satellites
Question : The wheel will have both rotational and translational kinetic energies when it
(A). stops
(B). moves
(C). rolls
(D). jumps
Question : The energy of a body is of the form known as
(A). kinetic energy
(B). potential energy
(C). physical energy
(D). both kinetic and potential energy
Question : The printer that uses electric charges is called
(A). inkjet printer
(B). laser printer
(C). deskjet printer
(D). both inkjet and laser printer
Question : Bohr's atomic model is based upon
(A). Einstein's relativistic theory
(B). classical theory
(C). planks quantum theory
(D). both classical and planks quantum theory
Question : If a vector gets multiplied by a negative number then its direction
(A). remain same
(B). gets reversed
(C). gets half
(D). gets double
Question : Sunlight is directly converted into electrical energy by using
(A). cells
(B). solar cells
(C). electric generator
(D). electrical energy
Question : According to the Bernoulli's equation where the speed is high the pressure will be
(A). high
(B). low
(C). min
(D). max
Question : The turning effect produced by the object depends upon the object's
(A). radius
(B). circumference
(C). length
(D). width
Question : The ability of capacitor to store the charge is measured as its
(A). performance
(B). resistance
(C). capacitance
(D). durability
Question : Candela unit according to the system international is a
(A). base unit
(B). derived unit
(C). supplementary unit
(D). international unit
Question : Newton's law of motions were stated by the scientist named as
(A). Isaac newton
(B). john newton
(C). newton ken
(D). Eric newton
Question : The color of the light emitted by LED depends on
(A). its forward bias
(B). its reverse bias
(C). forward current
(D). semiconductor material
Question : The voltage of the device having resistance 5 ohm and current 4ampere will be
(A). 10V
(B). 15V
(C). 20V
(D). 25V
Question : Torricelli's theorem is one of the applications of the
(A). equation of continuity
(B). Bernoulli's equation
(C). light equation
(D). speed equation
Question : Inelastic collision is the collision in which kinetic energy is
(A). conserved
(B). not conserved
(C). increases
(D). decreases
Question : If the body is in rest or in uniform velocity it is said to be in
(A). rest
(B). uniform motion
(C). equilibrium
(D). constant force
Question : Power of the machine when the work done is 30j in a time interval 5s will be
(A). 120W
(B). 125W
(C). 145W
(D). 150W
Question : This whole world is composed of small particles that are made up of
(A). electrons
(B). protons
(C). cathode
(D). electrons and protons
Question : The rate of flow of charge through cross sectional area is known as
(A). current
(B). voltage
(C). meter
(D). acceleration
Question : Error that occurs due to equally affected measurements is called
(A). random error
(B). systematic error
(C). frequent error
(D). precision
Question : From the equations of the distance one that is correct is
(A). Vf i + 2as
(B). Vf� i� + as
(C). Vf� i� + 2a
(D). Vf� i� + 2as
Question : The value of one electric volt is equivalent to the value of
(A). 1.8 x 10-19J
(B). 1.9 x 10-19J
(C). 1.6 x 10-19J
(D). 2.1 x 10-19J
Question : The tidal pull of the moon can distort the continents pulling up and down upto
(A). 25 cm
(B). 30 cm
(C). 35 cm
(D). 40 cm
Question : The branch of science that deals with the natural phenomena is called
(A). physics
(B). mathematics
(C). chemistry
(D). English
Question : The electromotive force of a battery can be defined with the formula of
(A). E R
(B). E R + I
(C). E R + r
(D). E R + Ir
Question : The first human satellite of the earth was the man named as
(A). Bruce McCandless
(B). mark Bruce
(C). ken Bruce
(D). Bruce Hilton
Question : The scalar product of the two vectors is also known as
(A). vector product
(B). dot product
(C). point product
(D). both vector and dot product
Question : Physical quantity that has magnitude and direction as well is known as
(A). mass
(B). time
(C). velocity
(D). temperature
Question : The whole world can be covered with
(A). 2 geo-stationary satellites
(B). 3 geo-stationary satellites
(C). 4 geo-stationary satellites
(D). 5 geo-stationary satellites
Question : The electric instrument used to measure current in amperes is known as
(A). ammeter
(B). voltmeter
(C). ohmmeter
(D). avometer
Question : If a vector gets multiplied by a positive number then its direction
(A). remain same
(B). reversed
(C). gets half
(D). gets double
Question : Repeated measurement having different values are the
(A). random error
(B). frequent error
(C). systematic error
(D). random and frequent error
Question : Work done by a body is said to be a quantity known as
(A). scalar quantity
(B). vector quantity
(C). physical quantity
(D). both scalar and vector
Question : The gravitational force at the center is given by the formula of
(A). F Mm/r�
(B). F Mm/r
(C). F M/r�
(D). F m/r�
Question : System international unit of work done is Newton meter which is known as
(A). joule
(B). kelvin
(C). ampere
(D). candela
Question : When a body moves from one position to another the change is called
(A). displacement
(B). distance
(C). acceleration
(D). velocity
Question : The induced current can be increased by
(A). stronger field
(B). moving loop faster
(C). coil of less turns
(D). moving loop faster and with stronger field
Question : Number of digits that are reasonably sure are called
(A). limitation of instruments
(B). systematic error
(C). frequent error
(D). significant figures
Question : The graphical representation of vectors is directed line segment with
(A). direction
(B). point
(C). circle
(D). arrowhead
Question : When no kinetic energy is lost the collision is said to be
(A). inelastic
(B). perfectly elastic
(C). elastic
(D). inelastic or perfectly elastic
Question : Change of current of one ampere/sec causes emf of 1 volt will be equal to
(A). 1 henry
(B). 1 volt/m
(C). 1 ampere
(D). 1 joule
Question : The time rate of change of velocity of the body is represented as
(A). (v1 + v2)/t
(B). (v1v2)/t
(C). (v1-v2)/t
(D). (v2-v1)/t
Question : The well known formula one racing car has a body with
(A). laminared design
(B). turbulent design
(C). flat design
(D). streamlined design
Question : The diode characteristic curve is a plot between
(A). current and time
(B). voltage and time
(C). voltage and current
(D). current, voltage and time
Question : In a transistor the emitter current is
(A). slightly more than collector
(B). slightly less than collector
(C). equal to the collector
(D). equal to base current
Question : In the reading 12.7 first two digits are accurate while third one is
(A). accurate
(B). precise
(C). doubtful
(D). correct
Question : EMF is an abbreviation of the
(A). electromotive force
(B). electrical motive force
(C). electroni cmotive force
(D). both electromotive and electrical motive force
Question : The formula that describes the statement of the coulombs law is
(A). f q1q2/r�
(B). f 1q2/r�
(C). f q2/r�
(D). f q1q2/r
Question : In the phenomena of work done by the variable force, the forces
(A). remain constant
(B). doesn't remain constant
(C). increases
(D). decreases
Question : Unit vectors are normally used to represent other vector's
(A). direction
(B). place
(C). velocity
(D). magnitude
Question : An ideal black body is
(A). an ideal absorber
(B). an ideal radiator
(C). an ideal reflector
(D). an ideal absorber as well as an ideal radiator
Question : Energy that is stored in an inductor can be represented by
(A). 1/2(L�I)
(B). 1/2(LI�)
(C). L(I/T)
(D). LI
Question : One of the energies that is known as renewable energy is
(A). coal
(B). oil
(C). tides
(D). natural gas
Question : Energy from the gravitational field is the energy obtained from
(A). wind
(B). biomass
(C). coal
(D). tides
Question : The product of the mass and the velocity is known as
(A). impulse
(B). distance
(C). momentum
(D). velocity
Question : The rotational kinetic energy of the disc is given by
(A). 1/4(mv�)
(B). 1/2(mv�)
(C). 1/8(mv�)
(D). 1/6(mv�)
Question : The typical rocket consumes fuel on the amount of
(A). 8000 kg/s
(B). 9000 kg/s
(C). 10000 kg/s
(D). 11000 kg/s
Question : One of the physical quantities which is not a base quantity is
(A). length
(B). mass
(C). force
(D). time
Question : Moment of inertia of the thin rod is given by the formula of
(A). 1/12(ml�)
(B). mr�
(C). 2(mr)
(D). 2/5(mr�)
Question : The area under the velocity-time graph is equal to the
(A). 1/2(VxT)
(B). (Vxt)
(C). 1/2(V + t)
(D). (V + t)
Question : If the work done has angle equal to 90 then the work will be
(A). positive
(B). negative
(C). zero
(D). maximum
Question : The unit of gravitational constant G has the dimensions
(A). ML^3T^-2
(B). M^-1L^3T^-2
(C). M^-1T^-2
(D). M^-1L^3T
Question : Atomic spectra is an example of
(A). line spectra
(B). continuous spectra
(C). band spectra
(D). both line and continuous spectra
Question : Physics is the branch of science the name PHYSICS means
(A). matter
(B). material
(C). nature
(D). galaxy
Question : A geo-stationary satellite orbits around the earth once
(A). per month
(B). per week
(C). per day
(D). per hour
Question : The product of the force and moment arm is known as
(A). potential difference
(B). voltage
(C). torque
(D). inertia
Question : The density of the air is round about equal to
(A). 1.2041 kg/m�
(B). 1.3041 kg/m�
(C). 1.4041 kg/m�
(D). 1.5041 kg/m�
Question : The liquid that is used to conduct current is called
(A). electrolysis
(B). electrode
(C). electrolyte
(D). cathode
Question : For detection of brain's behavior EEG and ECG use
(A). graph
(B). sensors
(C). electrodes
(D). both graph and sensors
Question : The cylinder has moment of inertia given by the formula of
(A). (ml�)
(B). mr
(C). 1/2(mr)
(D). 5(mr�)
Question : The angular momentum of the moving body is represented by the symbol
(A). L
(B). P
(C). M
(D). T
Question : Curved flights at high speed requires centripetal force that is
(A). small
(B). zero
(C). large
(D). maximum
Question : The equation d 2-r1 is referred to as the body's
(A). displacement
(B). work
(C). speed
(D). acceleration
Question : The constant of equation of continuity is known as
(A). flow rate
(B). friction
(C). fluid flow
(D). surface tension
Question : Time rate of change of momentum of a body is equal to
(A). displacement
(B). applied force
(C). speed
(D). velocity
Question : The dot product of A.B with angle 0 would produce results equal to
(A). A.B
(B). A
(C). AB
(D). B
Question : Natural defect of the person's sense is the
(A). random error
(B). systematic error
(C). uncertainty
(D). frequent error
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